Hawaiian Goddess

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Hawaiian Goddess

The Hawaiian Goddess
a new musical,
based on The Epic Tale of Hi’iaka

Creative Team
  • Book, Music and Lyrics:  Roslyn Catracchia and Patrick Makuakane
  • Original Story:  Ho’oulumahiehie, Hawaiian Consultant:  M. Puakea Nogelmeier, Stage Director:  Scott Schwartz
  • Choreographer:  Patrick Makuakane, Music Supervisor:  Brad Haak, Scenic Design:  Walt Spangler, Costume Design: Manaola
  • Producer:  Michael Jackowitz/WitzEnd Productions, Executive Producer: Stephen Schwartz, Associate Director: Melanie Lockyer
  • Associate Choreographer:  Christine Yasunaga, Preliminary Artwork: Solomon Enos  State of Hawaii, Creative Industries, DBEDT, Advisor: Georja Skinner

The story of Hi’iakaikapoliopele began as a Hawaiian oral tradition, passed down from generation to generation. Our musical begins with the goddess Hi’iaka’s quest to find her sister Pele’s dream lover, restore him to life, and deliver him safely to Pele at her crater home. Hi’iaka and her companions make their way through dangers and ordeals, facing spectral foes and worldly wiles. It is a very human account of love and lust, jealousy and justice, peopled with deities, chiefs, demons and commoners.   At it’s core, it is a story of two sisters who have a major falling out,  the havoc wreaked because of it ….and ultimate redemption.

Principal Characters:
  • Hi’iaka, the youngest of the sisters and the favorite of Pele
  • Pele, the Volcano Goddess
  • Lohi’au, chief of Kauai and Pele’s lover
  • Hopoe, Hi’iaka’s best friend
  • Wahine, Hi’iaka’s most trusted ally and traveling companion
  • Kane, God of procreation